Why am I still homeless
For those of you who are curious, I’ve been homeless off and
on for about 10 years. Mostly on. Actually over those 10 years, I’ve been
homeless or on the street about 8 of them.
Now to answer the question “Why am I still homeless”.
There is no simple reason for why I am still homeless. I’ve
been asked that question by several people over the years. In the past my
addictions and pride kept me homeless. Now it’s a different set of circumstances
keeping me out here.
There is no one thing or reason unless you are a Christian
and then the only reason is that He is keeping me homeless for a reason. Maybe He
is not done teaching me something or because He has a something that I am to do
for Him. I can’t say. The other day my brother asked me that question and the
only reasonable thing that came to mind was that God does have a plan for me
and that it included being homeless.
A lot of people would just say that using Him as an excuse
is just a cop out. It’s not really, but then if you want to know all the other
little details let’s try these excuses on for size.
1. I’ve signed up for subsidized public housing.
The problem here is that it takes a very long time before you are accepted. I
know some people who have been on the waiting list for over a year and a half
2. Then if I am to pay my own way which for me is
the preferred way to go, I need to find work. That sounds easier than it really
is. I do look for work. I am listed and get postings from several job search
sites on the internet as well as from the Texas Workforce Commission. I am also
listed with several temporary agencies. With that being said there are problems
here too.
My lack of a recent job history.
My criminal record. I’ve messed myself up with
this one.
My age. I was told by a friend at church, who
works with their companies HR department, that age is a problem even though
they cannot legally discriminate because of age there are many more people applying
for the same job who are less qualified than I am but are much younger.
What I am physically capable of doing. While am
healthy I don’t have the body of a 20 year old.
Transportation to and from. Public
transportation is my only option here and the buses don’t go everywhere.
The lack of available jobs of any sort that I
can do.
There are several other things of somewhat
lesser importance.
Another problem with being homeless is that you
spend most of your time just trying to survive.
I go to at least one food bank a week that takes
at least one whole day per food bank.
I collect aluminum cans along the highways for
extra cash and that’s another day sometimes two taken up.
Trips to the store, on foot because I don’t want
to waste the money on the bus fare, for things I don’t get from the food banks,
fuel for my stove and other necessities.
My camp is my home so there is another day
sometimes two where I have to take care of it. Cleanup. Laundry. Maintenance
and repairs.
This time of year (fall) I have to gather the
material to convert my tent from a summer shelter to something a bit warmer and
more weatherproof for the winter months.
Here’s one that everyone knows but fail to
account for in my time equation. I walk everywhere. The places I go are not 5
minutes away by car but 1 hour on foot. On top of that there is nothing much
that is less than 45 minutes away from where my camp is when I walk
So there you have it. Being homeless, at least my type of homelessness
is a full time deal. I do volunteer work two days a week as well to stay busy
and to network with other people. Why is it that I’m still homeless? Can’t say
for sure. I do like the Christian answer but truthfully all of the above
reasons are part of the equation as well. There are probably several other
reasons I could list here that just don’t come to mind.
But before I end this posting let me say this to all of you
who think that my being homeless is because I sit around and don’t do anything.
You are mistaken. There are many other homeless people who do just sit around
but I am not one of them. I am actively trying to improve my situation and to
say otherwise is insulting to me. I can forgive someone who believes otherwise
or thinks I could do more but until that person really understands what it
takes to pick yourself up after sinking this low I won’t waste my time on them.
I don’t like being homeless. I am no longer too proud or too
ashamed to talk about it. I am actively trying to change things. It does take
time though. I’ve traveled a long way to get to where I am now and I have a
long way yet to go. Send me an email if you have any ideas that may help me or
if not I just hope that this post helps you understand my personal reason for
being homeless. Keep in mind that this is the best answer to the question “why
are you still homeless”. As for other homeless people you will have to ask