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Thursday, December 20, 2018

A New Year

Once again I'll say THANK YOU to all of the people who have reached out to the unsheltered homeless over this past year and especially during this holiday season...
Now that's not to say that the sheltered homeless need your help and compassion too, it's just that with the shelters here running at or near capacity, the number of unsheltered folks is steadily increasing. In addition, the unsheltered people don't have access to the resources, for a number of reasons, that are available to those in the shelters.
Thanks again to all of you who help all the homeless out there, both sheltered and unsheltered.

We are now beginning a new year. The need for assistance within the homeless community is greater than ever because of the steadily increasing homeless population. Housing is of greater and greater importance. This past year homeless assistance networks all over the country, even here in Fort Worth, are saying that they have all but eliminated or greatly reduced the numbers of homeless Veterans. It's now time to look at another goal. How about senior citizens?
Technically I am homeless. I'm a retired senior and receive Social Security. Ever tried to find reasonable housing when your available income for housing is that limited? I'm not the only retired senior citizen with this dilemma. Social Security is a great thing don't get me wrong but affordable housing is just not available for many seniors on that sort of income. With that being said, the number of seniors going homeless is increasing too.
Now that the homeless veteran problem is almost solved, why not start addressing the homeless senior citizen problem?
I'm going to continue to discuss that dilemma in future posts as well as homelessness in general.

I hope all of you have a great holiday season. Let's continue this discussion.

Merry Christmas!!! and I hope you have a great New Year.