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Friday, November 16, 2012


Well I've been kind of busy these last few months and haven't had the time to work on any new posts so instead I'll just ramble for a few minutes here.

We've got Thanksgiving coming up and as I did last year I hope to find enough supplies to make a supper for myself and several of my neighbors. Some of the people around here just don't do the shelters or churches for meals and so when I have the extra I do share. Last year I literally cooked all day over a fire making a turkey and all the fixings. Then we had turkey stew for a couple of days afterward.

I've been pretty busy lately mostly making trips to one of the food banks every week, then I'll spend a couple of days each week collecting aluminum cans. For about 8 or 10 hours of walking over 2 or three days I'll collect enough to make around $4.00 sometimes more. On other days I do volunteer work and touch base with various people just to stay in touch and network a bit. Some day one of my network contacts will come through for me and have information on a job or housing.
I'm always on the lookout for ways to help myself get a job, get an place to live that's not a camp and just make a little money for the necessities like fuel for the stove to cook with and heat the tent, candles for heat and light, food of course plus all the other things that I don't get from food banks or other sources that are needed or useful. I can really make that $4.00 stretch!

With the holidays coming up I wish to say to all of you who read these posts that you are all appreciated and that I hope you all have a great holiday season.

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