Let's start with Hands of Hope. Here is an organization that works with the un-sheltered homeless in the area. John and Janet Ramsey spear-head this group visiting homeless camps in the area and providing assistance as needed to many of them. A Big Pat On The Back to these guys and all the volunteers who venture off the beaten path to visit the un-sheltered homeless in their camps. The sorts of assistance they provide depend on the donations they have on hand at any one time. Visit their website http://www.handsofhopetx.org for more information.
The next Pat on the Back goes to Catholic Charities SOS Team. Here's another group people who will get their hands dirty working with and helping the un-sheltered homeless living in camps here in Fort Worth. I've had the honor of meeting and receiving assistance from these folks in the past. Once again here is another group who will get off the beaten path. Some of the SOS people I've met are Jason, Francesca, Kim, and several others who either volunteer or are case managers. For further information about what they do go to their website http://www.ccdofw.org/streetoutreach.
This last Pat on the Back goes out to Beautiful Feet Ministries. Their goal is to provide services to the homeless as well as the local neighborhood. They are open 7 days a week providing coffee and pastry in the morning, a hot lunch and a good word from Pastor Mike or one of the many volunteers who are available everyday. Some of the other services they provide are a medical clinic on Wednesdays, a dental clinic, showers and laundry services. They can be contacted at http://www.thefeet.org or stop by. They are located at 1709 East Hattie Street in near south side Fort Worth.
These are only a few of the people and organizations I believe should receive a Pat on the Back. I'm sure there are many more and I will speak of them as time goes on.
that is what they need a good pat on the back from us all