The Good Guys
We all know about organizations like the Salvation Army,
Union Gospel Mission and the Presbyterian Night Shelter here in Fort Worth who
provide services to the homeless community. While they are the largest and best
known, there are many more who in their own way provide many of the same
services but are not so well known or recognized for their hard work and
Over the next few months I am going to talk about some of
these lesser known organizations or groups of caring people. Some of these are church
groups,, ministries and non-secular organizations. Some are just individuals
who care and do what they can. Many of these groups and individuals I’ve
personally come into contact with over the years.
The one thing they all have in common is that they really
care and can take the time to personally talk to those they serve in the
homeless community.
Some of the organizations I plan to talk about in future
postings are Beautiful Feet Ministries, Hands of Hope, and the people who
operate Unity Park. Others that I will be covering will be the groups and
individuals who come down to Lancaster Ave. on Saturday mornings to distribute food
and clothing.
If you know of a group, organization, church ministry or
individual that I should cover in these posts please send me an email with a
few details and contact information to
. These people deserve a pat on the back too.
I am sure some of the "little" churches and ministries will really appreciate that. Sometimes they are made to feel as if what they are doing is pointless or they are doing it in the wrong way, even though they are doing the best they know how. I I realize not everyone may have the most noble motives, but sometimes in the process of doing the right things for the wrong reasons .. their lives are changed for the better and they start to live outside their boxes.