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Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Chapter 4 – Desperation

Ok so here’s what comes on the way to and after you’ve hit your (my) personal bottom. You see no reasonable way to extricate yourself from the situation you find yourself in. Truthfully there is nothing so bad that it will not pass. Unfortunately it is too easy to fall into the homeless mindset. The lying, cheating, stealing, drugs, alcohol and all the other things that will not only bring you down further but all of which will keep you down. Sure, when you get desperate you will do things that you would not normally do and truthfully, I have. The phrase “been there, done that” applies here. When desperation kicks in your mind just starts spinning and the problems, real or imagined, start to seem like they are piling up.
About the only solution is to calm down and work through each and every problem. Take a deep breath, relax, talk to a trusted friend whatever it takes to prevent the desperation from taking control.
Unfortunately most of us allow the desperation to take control. I hid behind drugs and alcohol as do many of the others out here on the street. Whatever we do it’s probably not going to work towards avoiding the desperation that always happens. Nor is it going to get us out of whatever problems we’ve gotten ourselves into.

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