For the homeless person the opportunity to earn some cash comes only to those who are willing to go after it. There are several limited opportunities out there. Most homeless folks though just take advantage of what ever comes up that does not require any effort. A few of us will try to do something.
Personally I have tried quite a few of the limited opportunities that are available. Because of my age and physical condition I just was not able to stick with some of those opportunities. Here are a few of the things that I used to do for a little cash.
1. Walk paper. You know, those advertisements or menus that show up stuck in your front door.
2. Temporary laborer.
3. Fill in for a vacationing cook at a local soup kitchen.
4. Odd jobs for friends
There a several others that just don't come to mind right now but you should get the picture. My issues with doing most of this sort of work are because of my age and my ability to work in the outdoors or in the heat. I just can't do it anymore. About the only thing left available to me to earn a little cash is collecting aluminum cans for which I average less than $10.00 a week and the occasional odd job.
Many if not most of the homeless people that I know who do any kind of work will generally use what they earn for beer and drugs. That is the truth. There are a few, not many but a few, people who will do something a bit more constructive with whatever they earn. I was once like the majority of them. I could not keep whatever I earned in my pocket any longer than it took me to get to the corner store. Today however I guess I have finally grown up and what ever cash I earn along the way goes towards necessary supplies that I cannot get though any other sources. I had to work a real budget and learn how to not only pinch pennies but to make them squeal.
I've got a couple of things that I'm saving for that are just not priority items in the grand scheme of things. I'm working on getting minutes placed back on my pre-paid cell phone, gasoline for the stove and enough cash to spend the day at the laundromat cleaning everything! I'll make these goals one day but for now things like food have to take priority.
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