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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Things are getting better

Or... Simple Works for Me

Over these last many years I have been told by many friends and people who are close to me that they do not understand why I live as I do or in other words, my lifestyle.
During my time being homeless I discovered a much simpler and less stressed way to live. When I returned to working after my 10 + homeless years, I attempted to blend back into what I was before homelessness. It turns out I wasn't particularly happy trying to live a lifestyle I once had. Don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed the work I was doing but my personal life became too stressed and complicated.
Now that I'm retired I find that I much prefer a simpler lifestyle. A tent, camper or efficiency apartment with basic necessities is more my speed these days. Unfortunately none of those things except the tent seem to be available to me at this point. Sure I can get an conventional apartment full of things, but the cost is way too much in terms of money and my own personal style.
Over the last few years I have met quite a few people, both men and women, who are technically homeless. They work as needed. They live in tents, motels and with friends. These homeless people prefer a simpler lifestyle just like mine. Some of them are even of retirement age but like me can't find living arrangements that are affordable.
Bottom line here is that I, as well as many unsheltered homeless people, prefer a simpler lifestyle. We still use technology. We just prefer life in a different way. We are comfortable with less.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Another Year and another homeless count

In the past I've spoken about the yearly homeless count. In fact I've spoken about it many times. Mostly to say that the unsheltered homeless part of the count is on the low side, because I know it is.
This time I'd like to encourage you to signup and participate...
Don't be afraid of the people you are attempting to locate but do use reasonable caution. If your team is assigned a police officer, ask him or her if they know of or where to find the people to be counted in the area assigned to your team. Most of all listen to his advice.
Once, I participated in a count as a guide with two other ladies and a police officer. The ladies were extremely uncomfortable just getting out of their car / comfort zone. After I found our first person underneath a bridge and the ladies met him they cautiously started following me or our police escort into the woods.
I understand how uncomfortable it can be approaching a homeless person in the daytime much less at night, which is when the count takes place. Definitely use caution but at least try....
I mention all this because I've been camping for well over 15 years and got counted once. Just one time.
I'll be looking for a team this year. Who knows, I'll probably mention your team by name in my next posting.