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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Homeless Abuse

In the past I've talked about how some of the homeless people abuse the system and abuse the kindness of others. This post is about abuse of homeless people by otheres.

Homeless people are abused and taken advantage of on an almost daily basis. We've all heard about individual abuses of homeless people from time to time. Abuses that are committed for the perverse enjoyment of others or hiring a homeless person for a menial job and then not paying a reasonable wage.

Of all the abuses of the homeless that are the worst are homeless service organisations or even some Christian Ministries who are set up as non-profit organisations but in fact are really a business taking advantage of homeless people. Using the homeless people they claim they are serving as examples of the good they are doing when in fast all that they are doing is acting as something similar to an amusement park or zoo. Taking in donations and using little to actually support the homeless people they serve but giving the people making the donations the feeling that they are actually helping. For a price they take the people making the donations out to certain homeless hangouts, shelters or camps just like a visit to a zoo except the donations go mostly elsewhere.

It's entirely possible that most of these organisations did in fact start out with helping, feeding or clothing the homeless as their primary goal but later became somewhat corrupt. Where supporting the homeless became secondary to supporting the person or persons running organisation.


  1. Exploitation. Probably worse sin than turning a blind eye in the first place.

    1. Unfortunately I've seen a couple of organizations that are doing this.
